profIZOL – Realizácia plochých striech a zemnej izolácie

Zabezpečíme vám dlhodobú a bezproblémovú izoláciu vašej strechy.
Pracujeme s kvalitným certifikovaným materiálom. Cenové ponuky, osobné obhliadky, nezáväzný výpočet ceny strechy v rámci celej SR. Ponúkame hydroizoláciu, vďaka ktoré bude Vaša strecha v perfektnej kondícii aj po mnohých rokoch! Pri rekonštrukcii plochej strechy poskytujeme kompletný servis. Zváranie PVC fólie profesionálne vyškoleným personálom.

IBM Sterling File Gateway Training

This IBM Sterling File Gateway Training introduces the participants to the Sterling File Gateway functionality and provides the specific technical skills needed to deploy and support it. The training provides an overview of the features for creating routing templates, transforming file names, searching for files within a route, and reporting on file transfers.

This IBM Sterling File Gateway training will cover Overview of Sterling File Gateway where you will learn about Users and Trading Partners, Route Channel Templates (RCT), Mailbox Management and Static Route.

The last section of the training will cover about Implementation related topics like Dynamic Route, File Layers, Reports and Extensibility.

Some of our corporate clients have taken IBM Sterling File Gateway corporate training from us and given excellent feedback about the training.
For Details kindly connect us:
Call /WhatsApp: +919035888988